KSU presenteert Basta!
KSU organiseert in samenwerking met Basta! debatten en film avonden, met als doel mensen ervan bewust te maken dat ze de wereld om zich heen op een positieve manier kunnen beïnvloeden. Elke eerste en laatste donderdag van de maand ben je welkom bij debatten met sprekers die verschillende perspectieven vertegenwoordigen of vertoningen van geestenprikkelende documentaires, waarin diverse en onderbelichte thema’s worden behandeld.
Vanavond een open discussie met als thema: Europe in chaos from square to parliament. Justified resistance or necessary reforms?
The eurozone crisis is hitting the so-called ‘PIIGS’. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain are in big trouble. To get out of this crisis governments have been imposing austerity measures, which is giving rise to a growing resistance movement. Will cuts in pensions, salaries, and social benefits help us out of the crisis? What reforms are being proposed exactly? And who will benefit from these reforms?
According to the European Parliament, the solution is to strengthen the Commission, which allegedly possesses the solution to the crisis: austerity. However, many people think that cutting pensions, salaries, and social benefits is not exactly a step towards social justice. The protest movement against austerity measures and other reforms has been especially strong in Greece and Spain. But all over Europe people have been expressing their anger in demonstrations, marches, rallies, and by putting up camps that occupied many city squares for weeks. Why are people resisting reforms? What do they hope to achieve? Aren’t the reforms necessary to get us out of the crisis? In this Basta! debate proponents of the reforms and supporters of the resistance against the reforms will discuss these issues.
|Deuren open: 19.00|Aanvang: 19.30|Entree: gratis|www.kritischestudenten.nl|