KSU presenteert Basta!
KSU organiseert in samenwerking met Basta! debatten en film avonden, met als doel mensen ervan bewust te maken dat ze de wereld om zich heen op een positieve manier kunnen beïnvloeden. Elke eerste en laatste donderdag van de maand ben je welkom bij debatten met sprekers die verschillende perspectieven vertegenwoordigen of vertoningen van geestenprikkelende documentaires, waarin diverse en onderbelichte thema’s worden behandeld.
Tonight film night: Viva Mexico! Zapatistas
(Language Spanish with English subtitles)
Screening of the award winning documentary, with the presence of the director, Nicolas Défossé.
It is January 1st, 2006: thousands of indigenous Zapatistas in Chiapas, Southern Mexico prepare to say farewell to their spokesman Subcomandante Marcos. His mission: to travel across the country for the next six months to learn from the resistance of Mexican men and women who fight for a better Mexico.
This challenge is not without risks... by irrigating the seeds of rebellion and solidarity of an entire country, this journey is a provocation against those who control the country's economy and its image. How will those in power respond?
|Deuren open: 19.00|Aanvang: 19.30|Entree: gratis|www.kritischestudenten.nl|