KSU presenteert Basta!
KSU organiseert in samenwerking met Basta! debatten en film avonden, met als doel mensen ervan bewust te maken dat ze de wereld om zich heen op een positieve manier kunnen beïnvloeden. Elke eerste en laatste donderdag van de maand ben je welkom bij debatten met sprekers die verschillende perspectieven vertegenwoordigen of vertoningen van geestenprikkelende documentaires, waarin diverse en onderbelichte thema's worden behandeld.
Basta! Documentaire / Film: From the Squares to the Hood - Grass-roots activism in the Iberian Peninsula
did the 15M movement go from the squares to the neighborhoods, and what
can we learn from their grass-roots organizing efforts? Spanish and
Portuguese activists will present short documentaries and films about
the activism that has come to life in the wake of the 15M 'Indignados'
We'll find out what happened to the thousands of people that
occupied city squares, and asked themselves "what next?" Just beneath
the surface of societies that are being torn apart by austerity there
are vibrant movements of solidarity, self-help, and resistance going on.
|Deuren open: 19.00|Aanvang: 19.30|Entree: gratis|www.kritischestudenten.nl|