Kritische Studenten Utrecht presenteert Basta!
Studenten Utrecht is een open collectief van studenten dat zich met woord en
daad inzet voor een maatschappij gebaseerd op vrijheid, solidariteit en
samenwerking. Voor meer info:
Every year more and more young people go abroad to do volunteer work:
building schools, taking care of orphans and teaching English, all with
high hopes of contributing to a better world. There is a growing debate
around the actual impact of this trend. All good intentions aside, what
impact do these projects have on the ground, and can we achieve our
idealistic goals through this type of work?
Volunteer organisations, academics and people with experience on-the-ground debate.
Read the online debate on the Guadian Website: In defence of 'voluntourism' & Beware the 'voluntourists' doing good
Woensdag 10 april | Aanvang: 19:30 | Entree: gratis