Basta! Climate action info-night
Laat Je Horen!

Basta! Climate action info-night

Basta! Climate action info-night

CLIMATE GAMES the next level

Every year the reports of the UN's International Panel on Climate Change are more clear: we have to urgently phase out the use of fossil fuels to bring down CO2 emissions. Still policy makers continue to talk about false solutions like biofuels, as is likely to happen again at the UN climate converence in Paris at the end of this year. After two decades of negotiations, emissions continue to rise.

The good news: we can still stop catastrophic climate change from happening. During this evening we will discuss why it's time to take action ourselves. We will talk about climate action, focussing ont the Climate Games held for the second time this July in the harbour of Amsterdam. The harbour is home to the coal and biofuels industry and therefore a great place to playfully start solving the problem. Join us tonight and find out more about how to get involved in the game!

Basta debat- en Infoavonden
Elke eerste donderdag van de maand presenteert KSU een Basta! Basta! is een jonge organisatie van die sinds 2007 maatschappijkritisch debat in Utrecht voert. Basta! brengt mensen samen om te discussiëren over onder andere onderwijs, activisme, oorlog, racisme, politiek, economie of feminisme.

Deur open: 19:00 | Aanvang: 19:30 | Entree: Gratis

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