Fian NL: Hungry for Justice
Laat Je Horen!

Fian NL: Hungry for Justice

April 23rd, 30th and May 6th, FIAN hosts three film & debate evenings at the Kargadoor in Utrecht. We will screen short documentaries on land issues and alternative food systems. After each screening, we’ll have a discussion with the public about the film and its theme, led by an expert on the topic. Come and learn more about these themes and share your ideas.

Thursday April 23rd 19h30: Voices of Transition
Speaker to be announced

Voices of Transition (Nils Aguilar | 2012, 65 min) makes clear that current and impending crises, like soil erosion, climate change and dwindling natural resources, are, in fact, positive challenges. We see how groundbreaking initiatives in France, Cuba and the UK are achieving more local resilience: the ability to withstand shocks.

Thursday April 30th 19h30: Food Chains
Speaker to be announced

Food Chains (Sanjay Rawal | 2014, 86 min) reveals the human cost in our food supply and the complicity of large buyers of produce like fast food and supermarkets. They have tremendous power over the agricultural system. Over the past 3 decades they have drained revenue from their supply chain leaving farmworkers in poverty and forced to work under subhuman conditions.

Wednesday May 6th 19h30: Resistencia
Speaker to be announced

Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguán Valley (Jesse Freestone | 2015, 90 min) follows several leaders of the farmers’ resistance movement in the northern coast of Honduras as they build up their new communities on occupied land and fight against one of the country’s largest landowner. The film tackles the historical exploitation of farmers and their natural resources, at the expense of national and international economic interests.


Deur open: 19:15 | Aanvang: 19.30  | Entree: Gratis


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Oudegracht 36
3511 AP Utrecht
030 - 231 0377

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