Symposium: Human Rights in Times of War
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Symposium: Human Rights in Times of War

Everyone notices the way warfare has changed throughout the last century. Whereas in earlier times wars were waged by troops on battlefields, modern warfare is known for its asymmetric and technological character. Think for example about the presence of drones and robots in wars that is now ubiquitous.

The lines of daily life and warfare become blurred, for wars are often fought in and around cities, and distinguishing between (non)-combatants seems to get harder every day.Those changes in war’s character bring several consequences and challenges. First and foremost, along with the change in warfare, the numbers of civilian casualties has steadily increased. Additionally societies are disrupted and fractured, and innocent civilians are deprived of their basic human rights and needs. These are just some of the many consequences. How is it possible that such grave human rights violations can be committed? What is the international community’s response to these violations?

Those questions amongst others will be addressed during CS Ubuntu’s very first DIES symposium ‘Human Rights in Times of War’, which will take place on Saturday June 6 2015. During this symposium, prominent speakers such as Uri Rosenthal, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, drs. Anthony Holslag, expert on Holocaust and Genocide, and Saya Abdullah, Dutch Youth Representative of the United Nations will lecture on the topics of human rights and cyber warfare, genocide and refugees. Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh, lecturer on human rights at Utrecht University, will be the event’s chairman and guides us through those dynamic and multifaceted themes.Tickets for this highly interesting Symposium cost €3 for CS Ubuntu members and €5 for non-members, and will be sold in the UBB on Wednesday 26th of May from 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased online as well.For more information on the Symposium and how (and where) to buy tickets, check out the Dies Symposium’s Facebookevent. We hope to welcome you all Saturday June 6 2015. It promises to be a super interesting event, so make sure you are there!

Deur open: 13:00 | Aanvang: 13:30  | Entree: 5 euro. 3 euro voor leden van CS UBUNTU


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