Le Guess Who?
Insect Ark started in late 2011 as a the one-woman solo project of bassist/multi-instrumentalist, animator and filmmaker Dana Schechter (Michael Gira's Angels Of Light). Until early 2015,
when Schechter recruited drummer Ashley Spungin to perform as a duo.
Creating a personal soundtrack to the human psyche's underbelly, Insect Ark weaves a brooding, textural landscape, a starless night spiked with light and flash.
The music braids together delay-drenched lap steel guitar, acoustic and electronic drums, distorted bass & synths to create a sonic mural both uncomfortably intimate and icy cold.
Begintijd: 19.30uur
Eindtijd: 20.15uur
Break for 55 minutes....
Thirsty???? Order your drinks at the BAR!!!
Under the thisquietarmy-moniker, Canadian Eric Quach's prolific output has been anything but quiet, issuing a baffling 20 LPs, EPs and splits combined.
The reason for his immense productivity might boil down to the fact that Quach is also an avid painter.
According to him, embracing the sentiment that performing music is akin to filling up an empty canvas.
Or in other words: using sound instead of paint as a conduit for expression.
Armed with a myriad of effect pedals, Quach blasts out a broth of post-rock, ambient music, industrial and drones that washes over you like a cosmic, space debris-filled shockwave.
Begintijd: 21.10uur
Eindtijd: 22.00uur
Deur open: 19:00 | Aanvang: 19:30 | Tickets via http://www.leguesswho.nl/