De Universiteit > Workshop Bubbles
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De Universiteit > Workshop Bubbles

Workshop Bubbles - "Using our personal space as a tool for peaceful communication".

The term 'bubble' refers to our personal space. The way we use our personal space is an aspect of non-verbal communication.
Whether consciously or subconsciously we all use our bubble in a way that influences the way we communicate with each other.

Some of us have very dominant bubbles, whether unconsciously or intentionally they can take up all the space in a conversation, making it more of a monolog then a dialog. On the other side there can be a person with a stronger sensitivity to the phenomenon of the bubble and they might feel like they're being drained of their energy.

In this workshop we will not only exercise different techniques to create more awareness of our own and each others bubble, but we will also learn some basic techniques on how to strengthen the bubble.

But most importantly we will find out how to create balance between two or more bubbles,so that communication can harmoniously find its flow.

The main question we will explore together is:
Can the knowledge of the bubble aid in manifesting world peace?

Let's bubble! Your host, Jethro

Facebook event

De Universiteit is een open en zelf-organiserende learning community die iedereen aanmoedigt nieuwsgierig te zijn en hun eigen leerproces vorm te geven. Leden organiseren workshops over thema’s waar zij gepassioneerd over zijn en eigenaarschap over willen nemen meer over te leren. Alle deelnemers co-creëren samen de leerervaring van een workshop in een veilige setting waar iedereen vrij is om zich te uiten.

Deur open: 19:30 | Aanvang: 20:00 | Entree: 5 euro per workshop of 25 euro voor twee maanden alle workshops.
Hiermee delen alle bezoekers samen de locatiekosten.


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