Lecture: Sexual Diversity in a European context
Laat Je Horen!

Lecture: Sexual Diversity in a European context

What does sexual and gender diversity mean in the current European context?
Though the LGBT-community crosses borders, many differences exist in Europe when it comes to the way people experience and express their sexual and gender identity. More so when one looks at contemporary political, economical and cultural changes that are happening in societies.
Starting with what sexual and gender diversity actually means, in this lecture the scope will be to focus on the topic within first the Dutch and then the European context.

Organized by AEGEE-Utrecht as part of the Midzomergracht Festival

Deur open: 11.30 | Aanvang: 12.00 | Entree: Gratis

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Oudegracht 36
3511 AP Utrecht
030 - 231 0377

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