Critical Collective > Poverty, Human Rights and International Trade - What's the Real Story?
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Critical Collective > Poverty, Human Rights and International Trade - What's the Real Story?

Poverty, human rights and international trade are multiple faces of the same coin. While the official story says that more and freer trade means more prosperity and democracy ('trade is aid' - Minister Ploumen); people on the receiving end of trade, primarily in the global south, suffer its consequences: food insecurity, lack of health care, abject poverty ('trade is war' - Yash Tandon).
In this edition of 'What's the Real Story?' we take an in-depth look at international trade, international institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and trade treaties.

What is this connection between poverty, human rights and trade?
What is 'free' trade and who profits from it?
What are genuine and bogus solutions to poverty worldwide?
What is the role of institutions like the WTO?
What is the role of trade treaties such as EPAs, TTIP and TiSA?
Is there a connection between international trade, colonialism and war?

Adressing these questions and more.

With Howard Nicholas who is Senior lecturer of economics at the Institute of Social Studies and a renowned development economist. Nicholas has received the best teacher award at the ISS for many consecutive years.
Howard Nicholas has spoken on previous editions of What’s the Real Story: kijk hier

Join us for an evening with expert speakers and a lively discussion.

Language: English (Dutch translation is available)

Every Month Critical Collective organizes a 'What's the Real Story' event: an evening of insightful lectures followed by a critical discussion.

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