Basta! - After the Bolivarian Revolution, with Clifton Ross
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Basta! - After the Bolivarian Revolution, with Clifton Ross

In the 21st century, the rise of Chávez in Venezuela and Morales in Bolivia raised hopes for major changes in Latin America. However, after the rise of the so called 'Pink Tide' and vibrant social movement activity of the last decade, nowadays hope seems to have dashed away. These past few years have seen a worrisome move back to the right in the region. To understand what is going on, we ask author and filmmaker Clifton Ross: what happened with the Pink Tide?
* Were does the recent shift to the right in Latin America come from?
* What does this shift mean for the future of social movements, the Bolivarian revolution and Socialism of the 21st Century?
* What lessons can we draw from the successes and failures of left governments and social movements in Latin America?
* What does international solidarity with Venezuela look like in 2017?
Clifton Ross is a writer, translator and filmmaker who lives in Berkeley, California. For the past thirty-five years he’s reported on revolutionary and social movements of Latin America and the United States, and has translated and published poetry, essays and other works from Spanish. His most recent book, co-edited with his wife, Marcy Rein, Until the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements, was published in 2014 by PM Press. His Home from the Dark Side of Utopia, (2016) details his life on the left and his changing loyalties in Venezuela.

This event will be in English.

About Basta!
Basta! brengt mensen samen om te discussiëren over onderwerpen die een ieder aangaan maar waar vaak te weinig aandacht aan wordt geschonken. Sinds voert Basta! kritische debatten en vertoont prikkelende documentaires en films onder andere onderwijs, activisme, oorlog, racisme, politiek, economie of feminisme. Basta! wil door haar activiteiten mensen bewust maken van het feit dat ze de wereld om hen heen op een positieve manier kunnen beïnvloeden.

Deur open 19.15 uur | Aanvang 19.30 uur | Entree gratis

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