The Women's March NL x Kargadoor Sign Making Event
Laat Je Horen!

The Women's March NL x Kargadoor Sign Making Event

* Beschrijving in Engels

The Women's March on Amsterdam 2019 will be held on March 9th, with the message: all oppression is connected. Everybody (f/m/x) is welcome, as this is an intersectional feminist movement that goes way beyond women!

To prepare for the upcoming march, De Kargadoor en WMNL will host an official Women's March The Netherlands Sign Making event! Please join us – especially if this is your first time participating in a march – to find out more about the upcoming march. We will have free craft materials available you can make your own protest signs/posters! (Thank you, ActionAid, for providing us with a donation of great craft supplies!) There will be snacks and refreshments, so come hang out with us!

We will also have three speakers with us this afternoon to talk more about activism and how you can find space for this in your own busy life!

Madeleijn van den Nieuwenhuizen, founder of Zeikschrift (

For the past two years, Madeleijn has been delivering sharp insights and commentary on Dutch media publications about everything from “body shaming to elitist bullshit” through her platform. Thanks to her Master’s degree from Columbia University on American Political History, with a focus on constitutional law and security issues, and her work on security studies, she also has keen insights on political landscapes. We’ll be talking to her about representing feminist histories and symbolism. What are the issues regarding the pussy hats that became an unofficial symbol of Women’s Marches around the world? And how do we pay tribute to feminists or female pioneers who came before us, while also acknowledging the problematic aspects of their work?

Get active yourself? Get your inspiration here! We will also discuss local activism and how you can make a difference in day-to-day life with initiatives NO THANKS! and BASTA! of KSU. NO THANKS! is an initiative that focuses on sexual intimidation during concerts and festivals. BASTA! is a monthly event in De Kargadoor, initiated by Kritische Studenten Utrecht (KSU), and discusses political, activist and social issues like environment, equal rights and discrimination. (Next BASTA! is on March 14th!)

The event space is accessible by wheelchair, please notify us if you need special accommodations by PM or e-mail ( We are very excited to have a creative afternoon in the spirit of human rights. Join us!

Deur open 13:00 | Aanvang 13:30 | Entree: gratis |

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030 - 231 0377

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