Week van de Inclusie: Open Up
DI 10 MEI 2022 om 19:30 uur tot 22:00
From 9 to 13 May, The Week of Inclusion takes place. This is for everyone studying in Utrecht, which Atlas organizes in cooperation with VIDIUS. From sexuality and gender neutral toilets to discrimination in education and accessibility for students with disabilities. The WvI offers students numerous activities (lectures, workshops, dialogue evenings, open mic, etc.) to provide a platform for daily confrontations, recurring discussions and unspoken taboos inside and outside of student life. Engaging in dialogue with each other about these difficult questions is the focus this week (May 9 to 13).
This discussion evening will focus on various social topics within the theme of inclusion. With probing questions, taboos will be explored and the conversation will be entered into in order to get to know each other, ourselves and new insights in a, perhaps, different perspective.