Peace Brigades International: Human Rights Cafe
DI 10 SEP 2024 om 19:00 uur tot 21:00
Peace Brigades International (PBI) and Shelter City Utrecht invite you to our Human Rights Cafe.
Join us for an interactive evening featuring our current Shelter City guest, a human rights defender from Colombia. Our guest will share his insights on the current human rights situation in Chocó, Colombia. Together, we will dive into issues related to armed actors and their impact on the environment and human rights.
By organizing this event, we aim to underline the importance of human rights and raise awareness of ongoing violations around the world. The evening will conclude with a Q&A session and includes one free drink at the bar afterward, where we can continue our discussions and share insights!
Registration is required as we have limited spots available!
Date: Tuesday 10-09-2024
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Location: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, 3511 AP Utrecht
Language: English (with translation from Spanish to English)
Entrance fee: Free