Cat Eye Cabaret Presents: A strange night at the tavern
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Cat Eye Cabaret Presents: A strange night at the tavern

ZA 1 MRT 2025 om 19:00 uur tot 23:00

Burlesque Fantasy Show 

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A truly unique Cabaret event!

Welcome to an evening full of enjoyment, excitement and mystical wonder. This is the perfect evening for enjoyers of burlesque, cabaret and fantasy. If this sounds just like you go get your tickets!

For one night only, the wharf basement from De Kargadoor (Utrecht) is turned into a magical tavern where all your fantasies come true.

The Cat Eye Cabaret presents A Strange Night At The Tavern, a fairytale burlesque show. Mermaids, angels, goddesses, and more sultry bedtime stories to fill your dreams with unprecedented delight.

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Oudegracht 36
3511 AP Utrecht
030 - 231 0377

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